Join my Street Team

Thank you for joining my street team! I’m so excited to have you here.

What does a street team member do?

You are an advance reader. You will get a copy of my book before it gets published. Why? Because in the competitive and overcrowded world of publishing you live and die by your reviews. If you can launch a book with at least 10 good reviews you’re immediately better off. If you can launch with 50 reviews the world is your oyster!

So, a street team member gets to read the book pre-publication, and then on the day of publication, you go on-line to Amazon and leave a review.

This is allowed under Amazon rules, you simply have to start your review with a disclosure that you received a free advance copy of the book for review purposes.

Being on a street team should be fun

Only go for it if it’s a genre you like and you’re enjoying the book. If you aren’t – stop – some books/ genres won’t be your cup of tea, and you don’t need to feel guilty if a particular book doesn’t do anything for you.

What might you be reading next?

I am currently working on a series of ten novellas, each is a stand-alone story of the life of a young scribe called Galen who ultimately becomes a saint. The books start in the year 996 AD and finish on the millennium. The series is an exploration of acceptance, destiny, friendship and what it truly means to be a good person. There is adventure too, mysteries to be solved, marauding Vikings to be avoided and kings and popes complicating our hero’s life.

I hope that sounds intriguing. I aim to have the first novella ready for publication by the end of May. So I’ll be getting in touch with you before that with your advanced copy.

All the best, and thanks again for signing up
